Swim Screening2024-05-16T20:25:27+00:00

Treatment Information

What some of our patients had to say?

Justin B

Absolutely first class care from Laura. I made a speedy recovery and felt I was making good progress throughout my treatment. Friendly and genuine care that made a real difference when compared to previous treatment I have received elsewhere. Thank you 🙂

Justin B

Jancie A

Laura is extremely caring and was able to immediately put her hand on the area concerned. Laura is professional, genuine and gave me great ongoing advice. I was taking lots of painkillers to get through the day when I first met Laura and have reduced these substantially. Thank you so much Laura. You’re the best 😁.

Jancie A

Emma S

Laura has been able to improve my TMJ symptoms enormously in a very short period of time. With a combination of in-session physiotherapy and an at-home exercise plan, my jaw opening has increased from 25mm to 45mm, and my pain has significantly reduced. Her professionalism, expertise and care is second to none. I look forward to every session and only wish I found Laura sooner.

Russ M

Really great experience whilst attending for massage and physio. Laura is excellent at what she does and always feel relaxed and reassured during my appointments.

Our frequently asked questions about Swim Screening?

What are common swimming-related injuries?2024-03-11T15:38:12+00:00

Common injuries include swimmer’s shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, overuse injuries (such as tendinitis), and lower back issues.

How can I prevent shoulder injuries associated with swimming?2024-03-11T15:38:46+00:00

Proper warm-up, strength training for shoulder stability, maintaining good swimming technique, and incorporating rest days into your training routine can help prevent shoulder injuries.

What is swimmer’s shoulder, and how is it treated?2024-03-11T15:39:23+00:00

Swimmer’s shoulder is a common overuse injury characterized by inflammation of the shoulder tendons. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and modifying swim technique.

What is a Swim Screening and how can it help me?2024-05-09T10:31:15+00:00

Our approach begins with an examination of your training history and current training loads over the previous months to address acute vs chronic training loads. From here we will perform a full clinical assessment looking at joint mobility, range of motion, strength, power and the efficiency of your mechanics.

We will review this data to determine any imbalances, whether it is joint or muscular, that can lead to overcompensation, possibly affecting performance, through poor movement patterns, or contributing to an injury.

You’ll leave with a clear idea of what potential issues there may be, how to deal with them and a program of exercises you can carry out to help you work towards improving those issues.

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