People who do jobs where they stand for long periods of tIme are at increased risk of developing foot problems such as plantar fasciitis ( sometimes known as plantar fasciopathy or jogger’s heel).

The plantar fascia goes from the heel to the base of the toes but in younger patients the fascia is closely related to the Achilles’ tendon where there is a continuous connection between the two. Clinically this explains why so many stretching interventions involve stretching of the calf and Achilles’ tendon as well.

in a study by Ryan et al, 56 workers with heel pain and a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis confirmed with the use of ultrasound scan, were divided into 2 groups. All the workers spent at least 5 hours a day on their feet. One group was treated with steroid injection while the other group took part in a physiotherapy programme. Workers in the  physio group were given 7 exercises to do every day for 12 weeks. The exercises included stretches, strengthening and balance exercises.

at the end of the study, the authors reported that patients in the Physio group did as well as the steroid injection group, without the associated risk of ligament rupture associated with steroid injection.

if you or anyone you know is suffering from plantar fasciitis or heel pain and would like to have a physiotherapy assessment for suitability of physiotherapy treatment, contact us here.

Ryan M et al. Comparison of a physiotherapy program versus déjà methadone injections for plantar fasciopathy in prolonged standing workers: A randomized clinical trial. Clinical journal of sport medicine 2014,