Research – Shoulder Pain – Shoulder tendinopathy 2, steroid injection or manual therapy?
What works best for shoulder pain at one year? An American study has found that steroid injection and manual therapy appear to be equally effective in relieving shoulder pain. Patients [...]
News – Fixed fees for medical reports for whiplash cases.
The Ministry of Justice has announced a fixed fee of £180 for both Physiotherapists and GP's, as part of its on going whiplash reforms. Currently some medical professionals have been [...]
News – Head Injuries in Football – Medical teams to take the lead.
What happens when footballers get head injuries? The premier football league has decided to offer further guidance on head injuries in football. when a footballer suffers a serious head injury, [...]
Review – Shoulder Pain – Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy and the brain?
Do we really know what is happening in shoulder pain with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy? Why do some patients with shoulder pain respond as hoped and get better and some [...]
Research – Back Pain – Epidurals for low back pain.
Do Steroid Injections ease low back pain? Spinal pain is a leading cause of disability with lifetime incidence estimated to between 50-80%. In the vast majority of cases surgery is [...]
Research – Back Pain – Do Rocker Shoes/MBT reduce low back pain?
Are Rocker Shoes better than other trainers at reducing back pain in patients who already have low back pain? A study funded by a company who make rocker shoes has [...]
Research – Back Pain – What’s a good sitting posture?
How good is your sitting posture? Postural advice given by Physiotherapists is one of the most common strategies used in combatting back pain. More of us than [...]
Research – Shoulder Pain – Shoulder tendinopathy
Do exercises work as well as injection for shoulder pain from shoulder impingement? This is a question new patients with shoulder pain ask me regularly following the suggestion of [...]